Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hope you all enjoyed the class today! I'm really happy that sometimes my teaching really "hits the spot" and I can see the immediate improvement. For example, after that "resistance at the initiation of a punch" training, you all looked much better with Kizami-zuki/Gyaku-zuki (1-2 punch), with more connected initiation. Of course (sadly), most of you will go back to the same old habit by the next class, but at least you understand the right approach and can continue reinforce your body toward that direction. So keep on training...!

Today we covered:

  • Your Kata (Heian 1, 2, or Nijushiho?)


  • Kizami-zuki/Gyaku-zuki

  • Same, with resistance at the initiation

  • Mae-geri

  • Same, with resistance at the initiation (knee lifting)

  • Yori-ashi Kizami-zuki

  • Yori-ashi Gyaku-zuki

Kumite Drills (with a partner):
  • Punch against a stable target

  • Punch against a target that shifts away

  • Combination attack (2 punches), focusing on catching "Kyo" in between motions

  • Combination attack (Kizami-zuki, Kizami Mae-geri), focusing on quicker switch between 2 techniques

  • Heian Nidan
Kumite is fun, right? Unfortunately there is no "Hado-ken" that works like a magic, so we have to develop a lot of tools that you can pull out depending on a particular situation. We cover different case scenarios every time, to see what works when. As you continue working on different options, you'll find what works for you the best, and then keep working on it until it almost becomes your second nature. I don't know much of your athletic background, but everyone seems to be in a pretty good shape and I can see some of you get to be killer sparring partners very soon! But when that day comes, I'll make sure to have you repeat your Kata 100 times before you spar with me...!

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