Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Better write it before I forget!!!

Kata (warm-up, cool-down):
  • Hangetsu
  • Jitte
  • Unsu
  • Heian Nidan

  • Kizami-zuki/Gyaku-zuki
  • Mae-geri
  • Yoko-geri Keage
  • Kizami Mae-geri/Mae-geri (free style)

  • Kizami-zuki or Gyaku-zuki (check for final connection)
  • Mawashi-ashi (turning foot) against Gyaku-zuki stomach
  • Mawashi-ashi / counter attack (in Go-no-sen timing)
  • Mawashi-ashi (turning foot) against Kizami Mae-geri stomach
  • Mawashi-ashi / counter attack (in Go-no-sen timing) against Kizami Mae-geri or Kizami Mawashi-geri stomach

Jim told me after the class, that I still talk too much! Thanks for that criticism... Well, I know, I realized that at the beginning of class today. I tried not to talk much during Kumite drills, though, because once you get going, I don't want to stop you. In Kihon, however, I still don't want you to miss the point I'm focusing on, and I tend to over-explain as a result. My "teaching training" continues...


  1. did start off a little "talky."
    Maybe we should discuss seminars after class - not during. Too many people were not there so the conversation about the seminar really went over there heads...
    Also - when someone is watching we have to keep that in mind.

    And right after Taichiro said Ron, Robert and he said they were going to talk less! Of course now there will be no talking and Taichiro will work us to death...where's the harmony!!??

  2. I do want to talk about the seminar before the class starts because the memory is still (hopefully) fresh. And if we ALL participate in the seminar every time, no one has to feel like they don't know what we're talking about! ;-)

    Or perhaps I should update the blog on the night of a seminar, and have everyone comment on it here on the blog. Is everyone going to post their message here?? I need to pick up the pace of updating blog then!

    About "talking less", actually it's more about finding a balance; not too much, but not too little. The important point we (Ron, Robert and I) agreed on is to keep the students active once the class begins. I hope I'm still allowed to talk when the points are important or difficult, or that I feel you guys need a moment to catch your breath!

  3. The point of breathing that was mentioned during the discussion at the beginning of class was a gem to me. At least that didn't go over my head, and were it just put on the blog, instead of spoken of in class, it may not have had the same impact. Especially since, after the discussion, we worked on it.

  4. Yes - it's balance. No talking won't work. Vonzell makes a good point above.
    I like the idea of talking used as a break - to catch our breath from the physical and allowing us to feed our minds with concepts, etc.
