Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A small class, but a perfect size for that small studio...

Kata & Kihon:
Establishing the base first
Anchor the back foot at the end
Matching the body action/dynamics (rotation, vibration, shifting, etc.) with the technique

Exam-style Kihon:
Age-uke (make a side space as you step back) ~ Gyaku-zuki (ROTATION!)
Soto-uke ~ Gyaku-zuki (ROTATION)
Shuto-uke (back foot!)
Mae-geri (square hips)
Mawashi-geri (attack from the side)
Yoko-geri Keage (quick, small kick, keep the floor connection)
Yoko-geri Kekomi (longer, thrust & hold, but don't push & fall)
Mae-geri ~ Oi-zuki (square hips)
Kicks in general - posture (hips in, face back), deep knee flexion (before & after), floor connection & balance

Shift around ~ react to signal with a kick (react with the support foot, and quickly align the knee to the target)

We have less than 2 months till the exam! Some are ready but many are not. At this point, I don't see anyone testing for 2 levels at once, but let me know if you want to give it a shot. The amount of proper training definitely shows in your movement, and I know you feel it, too. Stay focused, try not to miss any classes, and you'll be OK!

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I put the wrong date "February 22" then "February 29" on the title before realizing it was my birthday! Duh! I must be tired...
