Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So by now we've covered pretty much all the techniques that you need to perform in the exam. We'll continue working on them here and there, as well as Jon spending a lot of time on those in Sunday class, but it's your responsibility to make sure that you know what you're supposed to do. Ask us if you're not sure about anything; don't wait for us to "feed" you...!

If you need extra help, book me for a private lesson, as some of you are already doing it on a regular basis. Also, I highly recommend you to go to NKI in West LA (where Ron Vance, Robert Dobes and I teach) at least once before the exam, just to show your face to Ron who will be the examiner.


Kizami-zuki ~ Gyaku-zuki
Yoko Keage Yoko Kekomi
Kiba-dachi, side stepping side kicks (Keage & Kekomi)

Yori-ashi Kizami-zuki
Yori-ashi Gyaku-zuki
Yori-ashi Kizami-zuki ~ Gyaku-zuki (=A)
Yori-ashi Kizami-zuki ~ Kizami Mae-geri (=B)

Combination attacks (A or B)
Combination attacks (A or B) catching a target before s/he is ready to come back


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