Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 11 - 17, 2012

I wish I could continue with more sweeping and throwing techniques (I bought a good book for that; coming soon to "Book of the Month"??) but it's time to shift to the basics and to get you all ready for the exam. I can't possibly cover everyone's exam requirement equally, so if you feel like I'm not paying enough attention to your level, ask me questions before/after a class or schedule a private lesson soon. The good thing about our karate is that you learn one point and you can apply it in different situations (i.e., you learn to move from the floor in Kata and you can do the same when you spar) so there is no waste. However, there are certain techniques or moves that we don't spend much time on during regular classes yet you have to be proficient at when you test - so start early, get used to what you have to do, and be prepared mentally and physically. I do my best to teach you, but you're responsible for your own learning!

We will be spending time on your Kata, Kihon and some basic timing drills (Sen and Go-no-sen). Dojo has been cold for the past few days again; is it time to do another good warm-up circuit drills?? Let me think...

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