Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday 1/16/11

I got on this right away this time.

Today was interesting - we had the Florentines join the dojo today.
Isaac comes from another style of karate but his girls are Shotokan.
He will train with us irregularly but hopefully the girls Michelle and Evelyn will blend right in.
Watch out for Isaac & Michelle's kicks!

Basics - all blocks, kicks
Footwork- uriashi, sugiashi drills

Sen - breathing first then any one punch
Distance Sen - starting from farther away to allow training side any one kick

Offense/Defense - first Kogo style using Kohoshi.
Concentrating on feeling the breaking of "ma" or proper distance.
Then any one punch in response.

Kata - 3 kata thinking of three principles of karate - 1. Hard/Soft 2. Fast/Slow 3. Long/Short

Then Chris and Jon M. faced off in Kogo. After 3 rounds of "sudden death" they both walked away with 1/2 point each. No winner/No Loser.


  1. OK Jon, time for another Japanese lesson!

    X uriashi --> O Yori-ashi
    X sugiashi --> O Tsugi-ashi
    X Kohoshi --> O Koroshi(-waza)

    Also, where did you get the idea about 3 Kata principles?? Never heard of them...

  2. In "The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate" by Gichin Funakoshi these 3 principles are read in the 19th principle.

    This is an excellent book and I encourage everyone to read it many times.

    The 19th principle reads:
    "Do not forget the employment or withdrawal of power, the extension or contraction of the body, the swift or leisurely application of technique."

  3. I don't see Fast/Slow or Long/Short...?

  4. Swift or leisurely = fast or slow
    Extension or Contraction = long or short

    Right? These of course are my interpretations. I realize that extension and contraction goes to a deeper level but for simple terms "long" (extend) and "short" (contract) work. Also this may not only be physical. It could be mental intention as well.

  5. Muscle expansion/contraction: that's exactly what you will be focusing on for the next few months, Jon. Good luck!
