Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 9 - 15, 2012

We've been working on Uke-waza (blocking technique).  We'll continue with it for another week or so, mixing up some variations (sweeping blocks, hooking blocks, etc.).

Some of you are excited (perhaps a little too much) about the tournament in November.  Good that you have a goal that motivates you to train hard.  Winning a tournament only means that you happened to be better than your opponent that day, that time, in that specific situation.  You can win simply by luck (as I have proven many times! :-p).  What's important is that you train hard for it, and that you do your best in it.  I hope you're enjoying the process.

For me personally, only 3 more weeks until the World Championships.  Do you know what that means?  Yes, only 3 more weeks and a few days until I can drink again...! :-)

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