Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 30, 2013

Somehow I managed to write two blog entries in one month!  Big deal...

I and Eiko had a good time at the AAKF National Championship held in St. Louis, MO.  Eiko took 2 bronze medals (Kogo and Kumite) and I took 2 gold medals (Kata and Fukugo).  It was a great venue and well organized tournament.  And a great after-party, of course!  If my dojo people are like my immediate family, those karate people I see at the national or international events are like my relatives and high school friends back home.  I'm blessed to have known so many cool guys & gals who share the same passion.

Our dojo is going to celebrate 2-year anniversary soon!  The party will be on July 21st.  There will be a training, various demonstrations, food, drinks and more (whatever you can imagine)!  We're very excited about this milestone and the growth of our dojo in the last 2 years.  Guess how many members we have now?  Hoping to reach a hundred before the new year!

Karate class attendance has not been very good.  Jiu-jitsu classes are beating us on a regular basis...  Did you know that the next test is less than 2 months away: it's August 21st.  I know a few of you told me that you were going to test, but are you, really??  You know that the regular training never lies...


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