Thank you all for coming to the class today! It's always good to have many people training. I know it was hot and steamy in that little space, but I hope you had good sweat!
Today's menu:
1. Free-style:
- Shifting: Yori-ashi (sliding)
- Hand techniques: Kizami-zuki (front-hand punch), Gyaku-zuki (reverse punch)
- Foot techniques: Kizami Mae-geri (front leg front-kick), Mae-geri (front-kick, with back leg).
2. Pads:
- Kizami-zuki
- Gyaku-zuki
- (Sorry, I forgot to work on your kicks...!)
3. In-place Basics:
- Age-uke (upper block)
- Gedan-barai (down block)
- Block to punch, in Zenkutsu-dachi (front stance)
4. Kata
- Heian-shodan: Turn the hips for blocks, straight/square hips for punches. Aim at proper target.
- Bassai-dai: Aim at proper target. Adjust stance to allow for body dynamics (hip rotation).
- Enpi: Correct stance (check your toes). Stronger/tighter Hikite (pulling arm).
- Kanku-sho: Work on better/more solid stances to support each technique. Lead with your eyes when turning. Oh, and try to jump higher!
On this coming Thursday, we'll work more on the basics, especially on those required for the 1st level exam. I think I'll generally try to cover more basics on Thursdays and more sparring training (timing drills, pads, free-style shifting) on Sundays. I'd like to pay more individual attention to each one's Kata, but it's difficult to do so with a larger group. Let me know if anyone is willing to take a private lesson with me!
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