Sunday, February 5, 2012

January 29 - February 4, 2012

It's been a month since we started the advanced class. I'm definitely enjoying it (as well as getting hurt from it...) but I want all our brown belts to try to make it more often. I know it's Saturday but you know it's good for you!

We'll try to shift away from Sasoi-waza and work on other offensive strategies soon. Any request?

I now put out another book on our bookshelf. It's an anatomy/body conditioning book. It definitely helps to understand your own body for karate improvement. I had to memorize all the muscles, bones and nerves for my PT school/board exam, but I lost all that knowledge, so don't ask me any and just take a look at this book! :-) According to this book, a man should be able to do 8 pull-ups and a woman once as the national average - are we all "above average"?? Take the challenge and add it to your list of New Year resolution if you're below average!

It looks like the AAKF is holding another national seminar, this time in April in Milwaukee. I might try to go if I can save up the fund; let me know if anyone is interested in sharing a hotel room with me. It's always fun to travel and meet karate people from different part of country or world.

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