Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm sorry for those who failed tonight's exam... Wait, EVERYONE PASSED! Congratulations to you all! See? Didn't I tell you that it wasn't a big deal? But I'm sure you all were nervous and tensed up a little. I get VERY nervous when I test or compete, so I know how you felt. But you all did pretty good. And those who are testing in a month now know what to expect, and can relax a little (but continue training hard, of course!).

What we practiced tonight:

Kata: Heian-Shodan, Nijushiho, Hangetsu
Kihon: Kizami-zuki / Gyaku-zuki, Mae-geri

  1. Attack against a partner
  2. Try to sense/catch initiation of attack when being attacked
  3. Avoid an attack by sliding back
  4. Slide-back, then a follow-up counter punch
What did you think about training with (big, black belt) Ron? Someone like Michael, Chris and PJ may be able to relate to his movement better than to mine, since his size is closer to you guys. A short guy like me has easier time keeping everything compact/connected, but as you could see, even a tall person like Ron can really connect his long limbs as a result of hard training. Sensei Nishiyama once told me that Ron's punch is "strong" and Sensei Nishiyama rarely gave such a compliment to any of his students.

So we will have NO training this Sunday since we will have our regional tournament in San Diego. As announced previously, you should come watch it or even compete in it if you have time. Usually our local tournament is really small with not so many participants, so you all have a good chance of winning (that's how I became a champion, ha!). Our training focus has been the first exam for the last couple of months, but if some of you get interested in competing in future events, I will spend some time on competition training maybe someday.

Next week we will have a Tuesday night class instead of Sunday. I forgot what time, so please check with Jon (or wait and check your junk mail box later...!). If our shiny yellow belts show up, I will start with the second kata: Heian-Nidan, and even white belts get to practice it! Here is a nice example of it:

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