Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Welcome new student, Ariana! We hope you'll enjoy training with us. Don't worry, the floor won't be as slippery, and the room will have A/C on...!

A few yellow belts missed the class today (and/or on Thursday). We've already completed Heian Sandan in its entirety, so if you've missed it, it's your responsibility to learn it on your own! Check the youtube clips I posted earlier. We will be covering it in more details with some application ideas, but try to at least learn the sequence in general by the next class.

Class Subjects:

Heian Shodan or Heian Sandan

Kizami-zuki ~ Gyaku-zuki
Kizami Mae-geri ~ Mae-geri
Kizami Mawashi-geri ~ Mawashi-geri

Shift around
Kizami-zuki (Yori-asi)
Gyaku-zuki (Yori-ashi)
Kizami-zuki ~ Gyaku-zuki (Yori-ashi)

Amashi-waza (avoid a punch by sliding back ) against Kizami-zuki
Amashi-waza ~ Gyaku-zuki
Amashi-waza or Uke-waza (blocking) ~ Gyaku-zuki

See you all Thursday!


  1. Oh my god. The application video is sooooo cheezy.

  2. haha. so true, but sometimes cheese is AWESOME :D

    I am caught up in the process of trying to find a condo, so unfortunately I probably won't be able to make Thursday's (today's, technically) class, but have a great time, and I hope to see you all very soon!
