Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome David! I hope what we practice makes sense to you and that you can learn something!

Class Subjects:

Oi-zuki (step in)
Age-uke (step back)
Kizami-zuki ~ Gyaku-zuki (in place)
Mae-geri (step in)
Isometric resistance training for the above techniques

Shift around (on your own)
Shift around (partner pulling/pushing on your belt)
Yori-ashi (fwd, bwd)
Yori-ashi Kizami-zuki
Yori-ashi Gyaku-zuki

Single attack against a stable target
Single attack against opponent's half attack

Heian Shodan (cool down)

I'm leaving for St. Louis in 1 hour for a national team training. I won't be back until Sunday night, so Jon will be leading the class this Sunday morning, bright and early at 10AM (or by 10:30 if you're desperate for that 30 minutes of sleep in the morning!). I'll see you all Thursday!

By the way, an article about my karate experience and about Sensei Nishiyama made it to a Japanese karate magazine! The magazine is called "Gekkan (monthly) Karate-do" and it's pretty much the only (and most historical) traditional karate magazine published in Japan. My article is on the October issue which is at the newsstand right now!... in Japan. :-) I will bring a copy to the next training. Our dojo group picture is there on a page!


  1. Wow!! That's great! I look forward to seeing it - of course you'll have to read and translate for me.

    YES - Sunday!! Be there!! We will learn how to defeat Taichiro (when he's not looking).

  2. What?? That's awesome!!! I Definitely want to check that out!

  3. We're already famous in Japan?!?!?!
