- Heian Shodan (eyes leading, body weight/momentum applied, mention Hikite)
- Heian Nidan
- In-place Kizami-zuki / Gyaku-zuki in Zenlutsu-dachi (stance alignment, hip rotation)
- In-place Shutoh-uke / Gyaku-zuki in Kokutsu-dachi (same as above)
- Move around (forearm direction)
- Move around + Punch (center initiation, front foot move in)
- Slide back ~ Slide in Gyaku-zuki
- Same as above, against opponent's full attack (=Go-no-sen Amashi-waza) HALF BEAT
I had 12 full days of break from Karate until yesterday, but I guess I didn't forget much. My movements may be a bit rusty (and I may have muscle sores tomorrow), but I'm sure I'll get back in shape soon. The only thing I did in Japan related to Karate was to buy a new Gi. You can buy 4 Mugen Gis for the same price, but this definitely is worth it; this may be the best I've ever owned! I hope it will stay the same even after many washes.
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