Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

It was a smaller class than usual, and as always, those who missed a class will never find out what "secret" I've taught today...!

Today's Subjects (except the special secret points):

  • Warm-up
  • Explanation of basic 4 elements (form, body dynamics, power, transition)
  • Focusing on form and body dynamics
  • Form corrections (Nijushiho, Bassai Dai, Heian Nidan)

  • Kicks (Mae-geri, Yoko Keage, Yoko Kekomi, Mawashi-geri)
  • Kick-to-Punch Combos (Mae-geri~Oi-zuki, Mawashi-geri~Gyaku-zuki, Kizami-geri~Gyaku-zuki)

  • Free-style move around
  • Same, with one punch~ZANSHIN
  • Same, with one kick~ZANSHIN
  • Punch or Kick reacting to a signal~ZANSHIN
  • Single attack (punch or kick) against a stationery target: Your body needs to remember how it feels when you achieve a perfect technique!
  • Criticizing your "best shot"
As announced previously, I'll be out of town for the next 2 weeks. I'll be back to teach on Monday the 28th at 8pm (we're canceling a Sunday 27th class because we have a seminar in Temple City: everyone should participate! I'll be there!). Have fun training and see you then! Make sure to give jon (the black belt) a hard time and ask him lots of questions; that way, he will think and learn how to teach! ;-)


  1. Only one question per student per class please. Thank you.
    I DO have ALL the answers so make sure to ask away!!!

  2. I thought the basic 4 elements was the super secret...
