Training Subjects:
Yori-ashi bwd/fwd
Mawashi-ashi in/fwd, out/fwd
Go-no-sen Amashi-waza in line
Go-no-sen Amashi-waza against a punch
Go-no-sen Amashi-waza against a punch or a kick
Go-no-sen Amashi-waza, counter attack with KIAI!
Stepping forward Oi-zuki (or Sanbon-zuki)
Stepping back Age-uke (or + Gyaku-zuki)
Heian Shodan (or Mirrored H1)
Heian Nidan (or Mirrored H2)
As requested, we will be spending more time on basics and Kata for next one month or so. My plan is to introduce everyone what your next exam subjects are. You still have time, so you don't have to be very good at them, but I expect you to at least know what to do by the mid March (exam is toward the end of April). You can always review it on your handbook, too.
Sorry, but it will be more repetitive training, stay-in-the-low-stance-for-long-time kind of class. I might even swing a shinai at you if your stance keeps popping up higher! Sounds fun, doesn't it??
Don't forget basic sparring! That was my biggest comment from Ron on the last test and I still haven't quite learned what I was doing wrong.