Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Training Subjects:

Lunges & Lunge Gyaku-zuki

Kizami-zuki ~ Gyaku-zuki
Kizami Mae-geri
Kizami Mawashi-geri


Go-no-sen Amashi-waza (Mawashi-ashi) against a face punch
Go-no-sen Amashi-waza (Mawashi-ashi) against a roundhouse kick
Sen (Kizami-zuki) with Mawashi-ashi
Go-no-sen Amashi-waza (Mawashi-ashi) against any attack

Let's continue with Go-no-sen Amashi-waza for a couple more classes, then move on to another subject. Any request?


  1. Can we do kata training like we do at NKI? Like the one where we do two kata, then you have us do one technique in a stance (like, snap at the end of a technique, or floor pressure, etc), we do a technique thinking of that one point, then we kata again thinking about that same point. Then new point in basics and repeat. You know the one I'm talking about? I'm being confusing...

    But yeah, if we could do that one at some point, that would be sweet. That's my favorite kind of training and I feel we haven't done too much kata lately. Thanks for hearing my request!

  2. I agree, that we haven't done much Kata or a lot of Kihon lately. Our next exam is about 2.5 months away, and we should start covering the exam materials little by little (last night's couple of basics were for this purpose, in case you didn't notice).

    It's hard to spend a lot of time on Kata when we have a trial student. Like last night, I was going to spend more time on Kihon & Kata, but we had a visitor so I had to change the program at the last minute. We need new students and I'm not complaining, but it's just a bit more challenging for me to teach. I'll do my best!

    If everyone keep training, we have something like 17 students testing the next time!

  3. Wow, that's amazing! Gonna have to start blocking out two hours of time for tests!

    Haha, yes, I did recognize the kihon. It was nice to do since it's been a while. I just enjoy that training where we have several points and we break them down and focus on one at a time during kata.

    How about mirrored Sandan and Yondan as well? That sounds like a challenge!

  4. That mirroring kata is really challenging!!
    Yes - lots of testers next time! It is very good.
    I think we can do it in an hour - but probably no training that night.

    Sundays I try to do a lot of Kihon too. If people come then they will be able to do repetitions of all the basics.
