Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday March 2, 2011

Tonight's class marks a new experience at VTK!!
So far the dojo has been operating for a year and a half...and this was a first.
Here was the new addition to "Things that happen at the dojo..."


I understand it is a beginner's class, in a small room and it was raining BUT what's the irony of a possible 20 people not coming to class?
Did I cancel this class for some reason and then forget myself?

Well hopefully this was a one time thing. Someone could have had a free private lesson if they showed up. OH! Speaking of which - If you do book a private lesson please give 24 hour notice of cancellation...

But instead of sitting there for 1 hour and 22 minutes - I left at 8:22pm - I did Hangetsu many times. I also worked on my Nidan exam basics and did lots of stretching.


  1. >I did Hangetsu many times. I also worked on my
    >Nidan exam basics and did lots of stretching.

    so jon, you should thank everyone for giving you a great opportunity to train!

    ...but i should reprimand you for wasting 38 minutes!!! ;-)

  2. I got reprimanded a lot today...
    That's a good idea!
    Thank you everybody but it's still more fun to train with people than alone.
