Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday 1/23/11


This was the smallest class ever - 4 people!! Was it something I said?
I rushed to teach this class from New Mexico! But - for 4 people it was worth it.
We worked hard.
Since there were so few each person decided what we would concentrate on.

The subjects were:
1. Sliding in kizami-zuki, sliding in gyaku-zuki
2. Kicks
3. Combinations - we did Nidan exam combinations since they are so fresh in my mind!

I then added these things to sen practice.
We also did a double sen feeling to really demonstrate zanshin.

Kata - with emphasis on "snap"- body pressure.
Kata - with emphasis on reality - truly making each technique strong and powerful - techniques that would work!


  1. NFC Championship game. Sorry man :\

    And it turned out to be all for nothin...

  2. Oh! I wonder if we should switch Superbowl Sunday class to Saturday then?

  3. Or just host a superbowl party AT the dojo...? :D
