Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I was waiting for Jon to post this class' report, but I guess it's not going to happen. I don't blame him; he had to sub for me that night because I was sick, plus he must have been under a lot of pressure all this week preparing for his Ni-dan test... That's OK.

Oh, this was the class Nicole liked and said "I like it when I actually sweat", comparing to my classes that are not hard enough for her to break a sweat... Yes, I heard you Nicole. Just wait and see...!

(Now Jon posted it. Thanks!)

Yes - I'm always late with these things - sorry.

Mainly we did focus mitt work...kizami zuki and gyaku zuki. Watching which direction the pad goes on impact. This tells us if we are on target or not.

I also showed everyone uraken - back fist! This proved to be pretty confusing - especially the twisted stance we end up in. We need to go over this one with Taichiro...that stance can't be right!

Sen no sen practice - a lot of it. Progressively - first breathing and feet only, then any one punch response.

Large pad kicking practice...everyone except the 2 new white belts Mary-Alex and Nicole...but their time will come!


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